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Bring in the Fall Season with these cute DIY Decorating Ideas!

Aaaah, fall is here! God, this is my favorite time of year – the colors, the light chill nipping in the air, and the fact that my electric bill isn’t going to make my wallet cry for another season or so. Add that with Halloween (or as I call, “Spooky Season”), and it’s practically Mother Nature’s version of a party.

When the season changes, it’s also time to get into the seasonal spirit. Even if Christmas decorations are already sitting in the stores, it’s time for warm colors and a celebration of the changing seasons. 

So what does that mean? Decorating, obviously! Here are a few ways I spruce up my home during the fall, and maybe these will help you out with your DIY home decorating, too.

1: Use the Great Outdoors!

I’m blessed to live in an area with a lot of nature around, so I like to bring it into the house and use it in all of my house-decorating projects.

Do you have some beautiful trees, but you need to prune a few of the smaller branches? Don’t just waste that branch and throw it out. Take some of the smaller pieces (with some sticks that you might find outside – make sure they’re clean before you use them!) and weave them together into a nest-shape, which you can use as part of a centerpiece for your dining table. 

Do you have some pine cones outside, which are taking over your yard? Take a few of them and stick them on a festive, warm-colored autumn wreath that you can hang on your door!

Just look around you; with some creativity, your options are endless!

(Please be careful if you or a loved one has allergies, though – a decorative project isn’t worth someone’s health!)

2: A few Mason Jars can go a Long Way.

If you want to give your home a bit of a down-home, rustic feel, you can’t go wrong with using some mason jars in your decorating. 

For the fall, you can fill them with stones in warm fall colors to use as a fun decorative parcel on your bedside table, or you could even make mason jar lights out of them, decorating the top with a maple leaf or some other symbol of the season. You could even rig one up to be a sort of country-style vase, placing seasonal flowers or other natural bits inside.

3: Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins!

They come in all sorts of sizes and are pretty versatile. Try using them for all kinds of projects!

It’s the season for pumpkins, and while these gourds are great for jack-o-lanterns and acting as the centerpiece to various fall time treats, they can make some great decorations, too.

Try painting a few mini-pumpkins in some fall colors and use them as cute pieces of window dressing. Maybe get your kids involved, too, and use the leftover pumpkins that you aren’t going to use for pies or jack-o-lanterns for a fun family project.

You don’t have to use actual pumpkins, either – you can make folded paper pumpkins and place them on your table, or color some mason jars to make them look like pumpkins.

No matter what you use – so long as you use your creativity and have fun with it, it’s going to be something to remember.

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