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Expert Tips for a Well-Lit Northern Virginia Home

Let’s face it: Fall has arrived, and with the crunch of fallen leaves comes cooler temperatures and shorter days; your family will spend more time indoors, and the glorious multitudes of natural light summer offers will fade. Now is the time to think about how, and in what ways to light your home for effect … Continued

4 Easy Steps to Make an Easter Wreath for Your Front Door

A few weeks from now, everyone will be busy hunting for Easter eggs in various places all over the region. While the hullabaloo hasn’t started yet, you can already begin making way for the big event by hanging a fancy Easter wreath on your front door. You don’t even have to purchase expensive ones from … Continued

DIY Guide: How to Make a Gardening Gift Set

Before spring season breaks in again, laze over the holidays and make the most of it by giving out presents to those who matter to you. The good thing is that you are not really required to give very expensive gifts. As they say, “It’s the thought that counts.” And that’s what we are going … Continued

DIY: Bubble Wraps For Window Insulation

If you are looking for an unconventional and cheap way of insulating your windows for winter, we have a suggestion for you. Why not use bubble wraps? Bubble wraps are not only useful for people who are in so much awe of bubble popping. These days, as a result of creativity and practicality, bubble wraps … Continued

The 3 Ds of Making Your House Guest-Friendly

Avoid the rush of doing last minute preparations to prettify your home for the holidays. As early as now, start doing the necessary repairs and prepare the accommodation of friends and relatives who may be very excited to come over to your house a few weeks from now. With regards to making your house guest-friendly, … Continued

Home Improvement Projects For The Holidays

It’s still a few weeks away before you take a holiday break from work in December, but the gradually changing temperature seems to make time skip a few weeks faster, taking us closer to Christmas. Well, reality obviously tells us otherwise, which means you still have a few days to plan ahead how you want … Continued

DIY Home Improvement Projects For Winter

Let’s say that you have done well in terms of managing your home. Despite working off your ass and struggling to be the best in the career path you have chosen, you haven’t taken your house and family for granted – thanks to your excellent time management skills! However, seasons change four times a year … Continued

Decorate Your Lawn The Halloween Way

Halloween has always been part of the American tradition and you’d be a total doomsayer if you’d say you don’t give a damn about it. As a fun and participative parent and homeowner, you can take the weeks before the event to bond with your kids in decorating your lawn to make it as spooky … Continued

3 Helpful Autumn Lawn Care Tips

Seasons change inevitably, and since the cycle goes this way in a few months or so, it is only right that you are able to adjust well to these changes. One of the most relevant transformations of the fall season is the environmental alterations mostly observed by the changing hues of trees and falling leaves. … Continued

It’s All About The Gutter

The fall season seems to be attacking the effectiveness and functionality of gutters. And since gutters are the most prone to problems these days, let’s have a little crash course on how to specifically handle such crisis. Take these steps as a DIY guide list that you may or may not do to manage the … Continued

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