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DIY Guide: How to Make a Gardening Gift Set


Before spring season breaks in again, laze over the holidays and make the most of it by giving out presents to those who matter to you. The good thing is that you are not really required to give very expensive gifts. As they say, “It’s the thought that counts.” And that’s what we are going to do today. Gardening tool kits for your neighbors and in-laws – a perfect source of delight in preparation for spring!

You will need the following:
• Flower Pots
• Used Gift Wrappers
• Ribbons
• Gardening giveaways

To start off, arrange all flower pots in a line and divide the gardening tools you have purchased evenly. The flower pots will serve as the base of the project. Include putting in some gardening gloves, mini shovels, gardening shears, packs of fertilizers and other useful items. The number of freebies for each person would depend on the size of the flower pots you have selected. Also, make sure that the pot is deep enough to hold the items vertically.

After all items are distributed in the flower pots, arrange them creatively putting the small ones in the front and the big ones at the back. Make sure the levels are displayed with variety for a much more artistic effect. You may also cut out bits and pieces of your used gift wrappers to insert in between the gardening tools to add color and texture. This is optional, but you may also insert a Christmas greeting card in between the tools.

For the final touch, wrap around a ribbon to the bodies of the flower pots. You may use red, green and gold hues to make the presents very timely. You may also recycle the gift wrappers and maybe use them as customized gift tags. And you’re done! It’s very easy, isn’t it? Giving, that’s what the holidays is truly about.

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