This is pretty much basic: Know the head of the family.
If you are canvassing for gift ideas for fathers on the occasion we celebrate every third Sunday of June, take a pause and do not overanalyze. As mentioned in the first line of this article, you only have to know him well.
Okay. Maybe we are treating the matter very trivially. Easy for us to say because we had our fathers’ profiles all figured out weeks before the rush of the month of June is about to begin. But hang on! You still have time to do just what we did. Read the following for starters.
The want
This goes first as it is the easiest set of gift ideas for fathers to determine. The ones that are included in this list may not be what fathers consider as a priority, but nonetheless, these items are objects or possessions they so much desire.
What appliance or gadget has your father been eyeing on but refuse to purchase? What luxuries has he been talking about lately which he considers his ultimate lavish goal?
Luxury is relative anyway. Charm your father with a pleasant “luxurious” surprise. It could just be anything – like a new car stereo, or just a ticket to watch his favorite sport in action.
The need
Now, let’s be more practical here. Maybe your father’s eye glasses need some upgrade. May he needs new equipment for his seasonal mountain climbing gigs. Maybe just needs a new wrist watch to accompany him from day to night. Or maybe he just needs a few pairs of socks for his daily jogging exercises. These needs are always there. Skip the cheesy surprises and ask your dad directly what he needs.
Gift ideas for fathers may come in a variety of classes. Some are expensive, some are affordable, but the best ones are those that are practical.
The usual things
What does your father usually do? Aside from his usual stint at the office, what does he do during his free time? Take time to take a peek on your father’s usual routines and pick one interest. Does he always go out with his buddies to play golf? Give him a new set of golf clubs for his future games. Does he often go to the tennis court during weekends? Delight him with a customized comfy shirt he may use in one of his matches.
Taking a look at hobbies is the best way to gather gift ideas for fathers. Be a keen observer.
The small things
Some dads are not very vocal of what they really are into as they show their family more of their workaholic aspect being the provider of the family. In such cases, leave the vocal cues behind and focus on visual hints. It may be his fascination for desserts that will tell you to give him a box of cupcakes of different flavors. Or his enthrallment of The Beatles that will lead you to an old record store for an original vinyl.
If you successfully get these very quiet cues figured, you’ll find your father in very much delight come June! Looking for gift ideas for fathers is pretty much like a mystery that needs solution, one that gradually unfolds as days pass.
The purpose
In the past, they are considered hunters, and now providers. But is it just all that? Fathers, dads, pops, papa – however you call them, they play more than just one role in your family and in your household.
The head of the family might as well be your approachable garage guy when your car brokes, your fantastic griller during barbeque nights, your go-to mechanic for leaking plumbing tubes or squeaking door and window hinges, your outdoorsman, your woodworker, your best friend, your camping companion, your hero, your father.
Take note that the most fun part of gathering gift ideas for fathers is the selection! Enjoy the moment. Make your dad proud.