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Howard Gardener School Students Explores The Fascinating Vinyl-Lite Windows Manufacturer

Numerous students from Howard Gardner School – an independent hands on learning school, participated in a manufacturer field trip on January 20, 2015 to Vinyl-Lite Windows Manufacturer – the leading window manufacturer in Virginia. Howard Gardener School chose to explore Vinyl-Lite Windows Manufacturer in hopes of educating young minds about the world of window manufacturing. … Continued

The Kids’ Tour

Parents, brace yourselves! We have something that your kids will surely enjoy. Technically, we have already started it, and we are here to announce that we are planning to make it more often than what we have practiced in the past. So what is it that we’re talking about? Vinyl-Lite Windows Factory offers factory tours … Continued

Vinyl-Lite Receives Citizenship Award

Having faithfully lived by our mission and vision for more than 30 years and counting is an enjoyable journey for Vinyl-Lite Windows Factory. To add up with our ever growing achievements in the field of business and community, we humbly accept the Citizenship Award given to us by the Chief of Fairfax County Police. The … Continued

Vinyl-Lite Windows Factory Supports The Youth

“I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be” Who doesn’t know this Whitney Houston classic? Perhaps everyone can … Continued

Vinyl-Lite’s Sense of Community

Vinyl-Lite Windows Factory is known for its high-quality windows installation and replacement services in Virginia. For more than 30 years, it has gained the approval and recommendation of its satisfied customers. It has also been running as a family business for more than 75 years, and guess what? Vinyl-Lite Windows Factory has grown throughout the … Continued

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