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Window Treatments For Your Front Porch Made Easy Here

HAVE YOU FOUND THE WAY TO MAKE THE WINDOW TREATMENTS PROCESS EASIER? Front porches create first impressions on your visitors. Screened porches are a great place to unwind and watch the world go by – they are indeed a sanctuary without actually traveling. Also, porches allow us to see and eventually meet our neighbors. Window treatments … Continued

Identifying 3 Types of Window Condensation

We’ve all seen it. That annoying steam that gradually builds up on our window panes. And that so-called vapor pressure that persistently tries to escape the existing humidity to enjoy the dry air. Well, for most of us, we know it as window condensation. Window condensation is a home phenomenon that happens in the midst … Continued

How Garden Windows Give You a Happier Home

Winter has that certain melancholic effect that leaves us sulking in one corner of the bedroom. Don’t you agree? If it’s not stopping you to go out and be merry, it hinders you to stand up and take control of the things you’ve always loved to do. We can’t totally blame it on the cold. … Continued

Quick Tips Before You Change Those Windows

Imagine yourself installing replacement windows from season to season. It’s indeed draining to plan, spend and eat so much of your time for it, right? With all this at stake, you should have been able to experience more value-added activities like extended vacations, a number of sinful pleasures and some family bonding moments – if … Continued

The Energy Efficient Window Advantage Checklist

It has been stated in majority of marketing campaigns of companies, which manufacture and sell energy efficient windows, that one of the main advantages of installing them in your home is the opportunity to save energy and money. True. Salesmen and window companies are not kidding around when they tell you this part of the … Continued

Home Improvement Gift Suggestions for Mothers

If your haven’t come up with a brilliant idea for your mom yet for Mother’s Day, keep calm and know that you are not the only person dealing with this problem. Everyone is now experiencing that slight anxiety for not knowing what actually pleases moms as their big day awaits. You are now practically thinking … Continued

Consequences of Not Having Well-Insulated Windows

With the drastic climate changes we are experiencing right now, particularly in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC, we can’t help thinking about the possible consequences the very cold weather is giving us. More so, we can’t also help wondering about our preparedness to these changes. With Mother Nature giving us the coldest time of our … Continued

DIY Tips in Cleaning Doors, Windows and Sidings

It is always good to do some houseworks by yourself when the work load is not really that heavy. Especially if you want to cut some costs, doing them yourself is the most practical thing to do. Replacing and installing some new facilities in your home could get difficult, but doing some simple cleaning is … Continued

Make It Shine: Tips On Making Your House Brighter

Aside from having windows, doors and sidings that have excellent insulation and glazing systems, what else can be done to have your monthly electricity bills reduced? Well, for all you know, temperature is not the only thing to be dealt with when it comes to your energy usage. In its own little way, light also … Continued

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