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It’s All About Efficiency in Northern VA: Energy Efficient Windows, That Is


They’re kind of important.

Windows fill our northern Virginia homes with light and warmth, and ensure proper ventilation, but here’s the thing: They can also have a negative impact on the energy efficiency of your home.

If you’ve noticed a substantial increase in your energy bill, it may be time to call Vinyl-Lite; it may be time to consider improving the efficiency of your current win-dows — or better yet, installing new, energy efficient windows in your home.

Ways to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Windows

Improve the energy efficiency of your existing windows in a few ways:

Add caulking and weatherstripping. Caulk should be used to seal stationary cracks, gaps or joints that are less than one-quarter-inch wide; weatherstripping will come in handy for sealing pieces and parts that move (e.g., doors and operable windows).

Hang window treatments. Windows treatments, such as curtains or blinds, will work to keep the warm air in in the winter, and out in the summer, but won’t do much to help fix leaks or gaps.

Sure, there are steps you can take to improve the energy efficiency of the windows already installed in your northern Virginia home, but if those windows are very old, or very inefficient, it may be a better idea to (and ultimately more cost effective) to replace them.

Selecting Energy Efficient Windows for your Northern VA Home

New, energy efficient windows require an investment, but trust us when we say that they’ll eventually pay for themselves — thanks to lower heating and cooling costs, and even lower lighting costs. Really, the best decision is to hire northern Virginia’s window factory and showroom since 1978 to help you design, select, and install new energy efficient windows in your home today.

But what kind of windows work best for your home?

There’s a lot to consider.

The process of selecting new, energy efficient windows for your home has to start with an understanding of how a window’s energy performance is rated: From its U-factor, to its solar heat gain co-efficient and its visible transmittance.

There are different types and styles of energy efficient windows, and specific considerations when it comes to installing energy efficient windows in northern Virginia.

Lucky for you: We’re the honest window company.

Call Vinyl Lite today for a free energy efficient window estimate.

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