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What To Do With Humid Basements

Normally, for a typical American family, basements are used as stock rooms for piling up old stuff one cannot manage to let go – old toys, old furniture. The list goes on. In one part of a family’s humble abode is a dark and abandoned basement that is only reached by light when past sentiments are randomly awakened. Mostly forsaken during other seasons, it is in summer that you should pay close attention to your basement more than ever. If those things in your basement continue to be of value to you, listen.

Have you noticed how humid your basement could get during the summer season? This is caused by warm air that mostly produces water vapor. Even though your basement can be comparably cooler than the outdoor temperature, humidity begins when warm air creeps in – more known as condensation. Dampness could also come from water vapor that comes through the walls and floors caused by saturated soil. The humidity that this seasonal change ushers to some areas of your home does not only destroy your basement’s walls and ceilings, but it may also sabotage the things you have long kept and hidden, those things you consider having “sentimental value.”As a result, it can give the room a musty odor. The damage levels come in different degrees, but while nothing’s been ruined yet (fingers crossed), do something to prevent it.


When you think it’s hopeless, you’re wrong. Here are some DIY tips that you can do to keep your basement in perfect condition.

Keep windows closed

Thinking that keeping outdoor air inside your basement will contribute something good to the situation in your basement is a myth. It’s summer. Warm air from the outside combined with cool air from the inside results to condensation. The higher the contrast of temperatures, the damper it will be. Keep your basement windows closed at all times. You can also check out for some basement windows that are resistant to UV Light, Water, Frost and. Extreme Temperatures.

Check for water leaks

Before considering the use of humidifiers, which is really expensive, check your basement walls and ceilings first. If you find some, repairs and fixing would be great.


Consider this your last option. Although it’s one of the quickest ways to solve your basement dilemma, it cannot be denied that it is the most expensive. When all else fails, you can use a humidifier. It will keep the temperature condition of your basement the way you want it to be since you can easily adjust it. Especially for summer, it is advisable to keep the humidity level at 50%. But then again, if you are using air-conditioners, it will do the job and may take the place of a costly humidifier.

Good luck!

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