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Vinyl-Lite is offering a Special Summer Promotion

Fairfax, Virginia’s Honest Window Company, Vinyl-Lite Is Offering a Special Summer Promotion: Buy 7 Windows, Receive Complimentary Installation & ClearShield FAIRFAX, VA–(Marketwired – Jun 8, 2015) – As the go-to window factory and showroom for nearly 40 years, Vinyl-Lite is excited to offer a special summer promotion for its customers in northern Virginia. Purchase seven … Continued

3 Ways to Rekindle the Romance You Have for Your Home

It is still February, and while the others are done showing off their mushy side to their loved ones, a few others are still halfway toward getting in the zone of that feeling that everyone is buzzing about. Romance. Besides, there are different kinds of it and you still have all the remaining days of … Continued

Plan out Your Home Improvement Ideas for 2014

2014 has just started and there are already long lists of things you have written in your planner that you must accomplish this year. Hey, have you included your long overdue home improvement plans? Yes. The New Year gives you more than 300 days to finally make them into individual realities. It can either be … Continued

Preventing Skylight Problems in Winter

Roof inspections must be made to detect problems that may occur in areas of the house that are not very much exposed to a homeowner’s supervision. At least twice a year, such inspection must be made to allow necessary maintenance and repair. Your roofing and skylights also need proper tending. With regards to this, inspection … Continued

What Vinyl Siding Color Should You Pick?

Homeowners benefit from vinyl siding not only for its exterior decoration purposes, but for weatherproofing as well. Having such installations greatly made changes in the way home electricity bills accelerate. But aside from the positive impact it projects to a family’s utility bills, its exterior benefits equally matter. The totality of your house is mostly … Continued

Increase The Resale Value Of Your Old House

Getting a new house and selling an old one are not easy tasks to do. They cause too much hassle especially for busy working people like you. Aside from the fact that doing the word-of-mouth marketing (and even online) takes time, it is not the only thing that matters. It will always come to a … Continued

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